Welcome To Chandler
The first veterinary surgeon in the Arizona Territory, Dr. Alexander Chandler, bought 80 acres from the U.S. government in the Salt River Valley, and then expanded his holdings to an 18,000-acre ranch by 1900. Subsequently, he subdivided it into the community of Chandler. Agricultural uses---cotton, grains, alfalfa, cattle, sheep and ostriches surrounded the new town. Chandler’s population grew to over 1,000 by 1920.
Today Chandler has enlarged to a city of 64.9 square miles with about 105,000 residential units and a population over 255,000. The city offers proximity to a large metropolitan area with a suburban lifestyle. Average household income reached $81,000 by 2012. The current median home value is approximately $291,000.
Chandler Chamber of Commerce: www.chandlerchamber.com
Chandler Unified School District: https://www.cusd89.com
Chandler Center for the Performing Arts: https://chandlercenter.com