Welcome to Cave Creek

Cave Creek is a town found 27 miles northwest of Phoenix in Maricopa County. It was incorporated in 1986. Its size is more than 28 square miles its population is almost 5,500.
The Hohokam Indians populated this area from about 700 to 1400 A.D discovered by The U.S. Cavalry rediscovered it in 1870 when they were looking for a shortcut between two existing forts. They spotted a flowing creek and springs, which they called Cave Creek. The Apache Wars took place nearby from 18870-1873, then gold was found, producing a small gold rush. Cattle ranching and sheep farming came to the area. The Spur Cross Dude Ranch began in 1928, followed by others, some of which lasted until the 1960’s. In the years 1935-1944 workers building The Bartlett and Horseshoe Dams increased Cave Creek’s population.
Today Cave Creek is an upscale community with a median household income over $82,000 per year. Views of Black Mountain are shared with neighboring Carefree. Cave Creek has charming shops and eateries, a network of hiking trails, rodeo grounds, and a 2,100 acre Maricopa County park on the former Spur Cross Ranch site.
Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce: https://www.carefreecavecreek.org/
Cave Creek Schools: https://www.ccusd93.org
Cave Creek, Az


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