Welcome to Carefree

Closely associated with Cave Creek to the west, Carefree is a small town in northern Maricopa County. Carefree is essentially a neighborhood with an area of 8.8 square miles and a population approaching 4,000. Incorporation took place in 1985.
Planning for Carefree began in the late 1950’s, and development began around 1960 when one of the largest sundials in the nation was finished there. Sky Ranch Airport made Carefee Arizona’s first fly-in residential neighborhood. The Desert Forest Golf Club created additional recreation. For the last three decades of the twentieth century, Southwestern Studios hosted television and movie productions.
Carefree’s median family income is $105,000, and the median home value is over $760,000. It shares beautiful Black Mountain with adjacent Cave Creek. Carefree also features restaurants, art galleries, parks, and Hohokam ruins from the eleventh century.
Carefree Chamber of Commerce: https://www.carefreecavecreek.org/
Cave Creek Schools: https://www.ccusd93.org
Carefree, Az


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